The Day Before The Parade reviewed by Hunter Braithwaite
/"The Day Before the Parade, Paola Ferrario’s new series of photographs documenting a small town St. Patrick’s Day parade, is a nimble reclamation of the man in the crowd, or at least his folding chair. [...] These pictures visualize displacement via the simultaneous encroachment between the private and public realms. Similarly, spontaneity, and with that the individual, pushes against mass ornament. Who would have thought that the simple act of sitting requires this many types of chairs. Both of these arguments can be played out ontologically–what is a parade, and does it belong to a childhood memory, or to a dominant ideology? Or, they can be treated as photographs."
— “Paola Ferrario The Day Before The Parade” by Hunter Braithwaite, There Is No There Blog, February 2012